Making Safety Simpler


Exam Study Resources

NCSO® / NHSA™ Resources

The resources below have been created to assist you with your preparation to write the National and Provincial NCSO® / NHSA™ exams.

To adequately prepare for the NCSO® / NHSA™ exams, applicants are encouraged to:

  • develop a study plan and begin reviewing course materials at least one month prior to their scheduled exam
  • join one of our regularly scheduled NCSO® / NHSA™ Exam prep session, as well as form study groups with your peers.

NCSO® / NHSA™ Exam Policy

If a candidate completes an exam unsuccessfully, they will be required to wait 90 days before reattempting the exam. A second unsuccessful attempt will result in a 12-month waiting period. After 3 consecutive unsuccessful attempts, the candidate will have to repeat all NCSO®/NHSA™ compulsory and elective courses and restart their application before being eligible to write the exam again. Each additional attempt costs $60 + GST for the National Exam and $40 + GST for the Provincial Exam. Any unsuccessful attempts in other provinces will not affect your status with the BCCSA.

Title Type

Would you like to join one of our upcoming NCSO® / NHSA™ exam prep sessions? You can join us via conference call on the scheduled dates! Joining a prep session will:

  • Prepare you for the exams
  • Increase your confidence
  • Provide an opportunity to network with other exam writers and create study groups
  • Provide an opportunity to ask pointed questions about exam questions, structure, and available resources

This guide helps organize the information you need to review to prepare for your exams.  The guide assists with the following:

  • Identification of resource materials
  • Prioritizing the importance of each resource
  • Review of each resource in an organized manner
  • How to locate key information and ideas
  • How to find and apply supporting evidence of key information i.e. examples or definitions
  • Help you to understand how the exam is structured
  • Explains what types of questions you will be asked
  • What happens on exam day

National exam topics and marks


Provincial exam topics and marks